Mood swings - Rebalance Hormone Health

What are Mood Swings?

Mood swings refer to sudden, unexpected shifts or changes in one's mood or emotional state. We all experience natural fluctuations in our moods and emotions throughout the day. However, some people go through more extreme or frequent mood shifts that can significantly impact their daily functioning.

Common Signs of Mood Swings

Some common signs of problematic mood swings include:

Types of Mood Swings

Mood swings can vary in terms of their:

Get evaluated for mood swings at Rebalance Hormone Health.

Potential Causes

There are various potential causes of severe or problematic mood swings, including:

If you experience frequent mood swings that interrupt your daily life, talk to a healthcare professional at Rebalance Hormone Health. They can evaluate any underlying causes and help develop effective treatment plans. Lifestyle changes like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising, or practicing stress management techniques may also help stabilize your mood.

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