Andropause - Rebalance Hormone Health

Andropause, also known as *male menopause*, is a gradual age-related decline in testosterone levels and hormone balance in men typically starting around age 40. Some key signs and symptoms include:

What causes andropause? As men age, the testes tend to produce less testosterone and sperm. Reasons are not fully understood but likely involve complex changes in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland signaling. Contributing factors can include chronic health conditions, obesity, stress, alcohol intake, injuries to the testes area, infection, and medications. If symptoms are significantly impacting quality of life, see your doctor. They can check testosterone levels and rule out other conditions. Treatment options include: The key is recognizing the signs early on. Andropause develops gradually, so have hormones tested if anything feels off. With proper treatment to raise low testosterone, men can continue enjoying life after 40 and beyond!

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